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How to be super relaxed in 30 seconds:

- 3 phase breathing -

Dear Alex,

According to the TAO, we have two brains.

The first one is in our head, the one we learn about in school.

As you know it is constantly active, keeps asking 'what if' questions and gets us to worry a lot.

Consequently it tends to make us nervous at moments when we need to be very calm and focused.

The second brain is in our solar plexus, the belly region.

It does not ask 'what if' questions, it observes without judgment.

Hence exactly what we need at moments when calm and focus is needed.

The technique of 3-phase breathing is a way to move your focus from your 'head brain' to your 'belly brain'.

As you know, our normal breathing pattern has two phases, namely 'breathing in' and 'breathing out'.

With 3-phase breathing you are holding your mental focus on the belly region after breathing out. 

The 3-phase cycle you are going to see needs a bit of practice.

I suggest that you let it run till it becomes natural, without having to think about it.

Expect a warm fuzzy feeling in your belly when you have it right.

Once it has become second nature you will see that it needs only 30 seconds to be super relaxed.

The session comes in two versions:
  • In PowerPoint, without sound. Best for desktops and laptops. (3 slides, which will cycle till you stop them.)
  • In PDF, without sound. Best for tablets and smartphones. (two full cycles)

When you are ready to start in Powerpoint, click here.

When you are ready to start in PDF, click here.

When you are in the session, to move along, simply click or slide.


your grandfather



For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence