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Deep relaxation - seated

Dear Alex,

After this session, which takes 10 minutes, you will be super relaxed.

This relaxation routine has been tested many times over in the classroom setting.
The benefit is that it guides you into a deep state of relaxation without falling asleep, for most people.

Once you are in this state of deep relaxation, you can easily apply other techniques such as adding smiling energy. (Innersmile)

You can also stop your thoughts, after which you will drift into a state of awareness that is between the physical and non-physical realms. In this state you will experience the concept of one-in-all and all-in-one. (Centering for managers)

For instance, you can bring smiling energy to one cell and sense how this positive energy then spreads over your entire body after a momentary shift in your intention.

Deep relaxation enables us to have higher energy levels flow into our awareness, contrary to common beliefs. Thus potentials for healing therapies that are currently outside the domain of classical medicine.

The session comes in two versions:
  • In PowerPoint, with sound. Best for desktops and laptops.
  • In PDF, with sound. Best for tablets and smartphones.

The session takes 10 minutes.
Drink a glass of water before you start.

When you are ready to start in Powerpoint, click here.

When you are ready to start in PDF, click here.

When you are in the session, to move along, simply click or slide.

your grandfather.


For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence