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To homepage and other grandfather tips.

 - The Past Event Re-balancer -

Dear Alex,

This technique requires prior knowledge of:

  • Inner Smile
  • Finding Your Personal Time-line.
Among the grandfather tips are several techniques to deal with negative past events.

This is one of them and it is recommended when the others have not worked as well as you would have liked.

When applied properly, it can be rather powerful.

The session comes in two versions:
  • In PowerPoint, without sound. Best for desktops and laptops.
  • In PDF, without sound. Best for tablets and smartphones.

The session takes 5 minutes.

When you are ready to start in Powerpoint, click here.

When you are ready to start in PDF, click here.

When you are in the session, to move along, simply click or slide.


your grandfather.



For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence